My Garden

For the past 3 years I have attempted to grow my own fresh produce. Over the years I have learned what will and will NOT grow in my garden... I have had good, bad and mediocre crops and every year I keep trying something different.

This year I have Peas and Beans, which I have grown sucessfully in the past. The first year the peas were a tangled mess, so I bought some small trellises and the next time around I planted them a little further apart.

Beans have turned out great... As long as you space them correctly - they grow into a beautiful flowering plant yeilding dozens of green beans per season. Perfect for canning or just as a side for a nice summer dinner.

I also have planted cucumbers, which always turn out fabulous.... BUT it is a process to get them to grow where you want because they have a mind of their own. Trellis or no trellis... Cucumbers ADAPT... They have grown over, under and in-between my barriers.

Radishes this year were great although short lived. It is not something that blooms again, once you pick it you have an empty space in your garden -- SO that being said I planted them directly in front of my cucumber patch. Once they were gone, the cukes had much more room to vine.

Other than that I have fresh chives and basil -- the basil I did not PLAN to grow this year -- somehow it seeded itself from last year and I transplanted the seedlings into areas I thought they would flourish!

Last but not least I have organic yellow bell pepper plants.... Ooooh! Last year I did green peppers and they all did AWESOME! I am SO looking forward to everything I can do with them... Sweet pickled peppers, jelly, pasta dishes, stuffed and roasted peppers. The possibilities amaze me!!
